Marketing Student Association @ UCSI University

Archive for 2011

Above is the list of approved member's name. Green indicated approved. "NIL" or yellow indicated the student has already paid but he/she haven't register in My-ECA as member to Marketing Student Association.

Student who is under NIL, may go to My-ECA to register as member.Here is the link, click on My-ECA to link to the page. Thanks you :D

If you have difficulty to find UCSI e-MyECA page. There is a short cut link in THIS PAGE. Scroll to the bottom of this page. Look for "Enter UCSI e-MyECA". Click the link to enter the site.
Login to UCSI e-MyECA.
User ID is Student ID (e.g 1001001234)
Password is usually you e-advantage password

Click "Club", from the drop down list choose "Club Listing"
Refer to the red circled bar

You will able to see a list of many club's name.
Search for " UCSI University Marketing Student Association"
Next, click on the selected club

Check the club name to make sure correctly selected
To Check, refer to the President name
President: Chau Wai Hon
Next, Click Join

Then members will transfer to pending list. Member that met the requirement will be approved

UCSI, South Wing: The annual Club Days event, which celebrates the activities and achievement of various student organizations on campus, occurred in First floor, Block A at 25th & 26th of May 2011.

Members of MaSA woke up early, reached the destination, setup and decorated the booth table. Later on, President of MaSA, Alex Chau arrived and gave instruction to helpful members. “No doubt that this era girls are getting more independent”. This was MaSA’s first time hosting in Club Days. “Best thing is that we’re brought together to enjoy and walk for the same goal” said Alex Chau.

Music filled the air ~ crowded in campus
MaSA’s members attracted students to view their club booth tables by having multi-coloured banner display. Phoebe snap picture fraught with meaningful moment.

Janice Wong, working hard to approach students. This impressive charisma skill successfully attracted students to sign-up as a member.

Club Days is held annually, students who missed Club Days will have to join the fun next year. However, membership registration can be performed by fill up members application form. Member’s application form can be requested verbally or via email.