Marketing Student Association @ UCSI University

How to Register as Member

Posted by MaSA Marketing Student Association - -

If you have difficulty to find UCSI e-MyECA page. There is a short cut link in THIS PAGE. Scroll to the bottom of this page. Look for "Enter UCSI e-MyECA". Click the link to enter the site.

Login to UCSI e-MyECA.
User ID is Student ID (e.g 1001001234)
Password is usually you e-advantage password

Click "Club", from the drop down list choose "Club Listing"
Refer to the red circled bar

You will able to see a list of many club's name.
Search for " UCSI University Marketing Student Association"
Next, click on the selected club

Check the club name to make sure correctly selected
To Check, refer to the President name
President: Chau Wai Hon
Next, Click Join

Then members will transfer to pending list. Member that met the requirement will be approved

One Response so far.

  1. Alex says:

    Nice, here is a clearer picturer on how to join the association. better than the facebook 1.

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